Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sports and Hobbies Speech

Research Unit
Sports and Hobbies
Over the next week and a half the sixth graders will be selecting and researching a sport or hobby that they are interested in or even want to learn more about! When research is complete each student will be creating an outline and a formal speech that they will present to their classmates!
Research Requirements
Library Days – Thursday May 1-9 (8 days total)
During this time each student is expected to stay on task, work quietly, and gather enough information about your sport/hobby.
When researching your child will need to fill out a “Bibliography Sheet” for each source he or she finds (ex. Book, magazine, Internet, CD-ROM).
Once your child completes his or her bibliography sheet they are ready to begin reading the sources and taking notes!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Book Report Project for 6th Grade

Mystery / Adventure
Book Project: Due 5/15
You have been reading your choice of a mystery or adventure story. While you are reading, complete the graphic organizer provided. This will help you create your book report project. It should be clear that you read the entire novel and understood it through the application of this project. This could be completed on a large poster, or as a mobile project.
For this project, the minimum requirements are:

It should contain your name, title of the novel, author, genre, and number of pages
It should contain at least 5 of these literary elements:
THEME..................................the lesson or insight about human nature from the author
SETTING...............................identifying the time and place of the story
CHARACTERIZATION......identifying how characters changed throughout the novel
PLOT......................................explaining the beginning, middle, end of the story
STYLE...................................critiquing the author's words and writing style
POINT OF VIEW..................the perspective from which the story is told.
CONFLICT...........................identifying and exploring the clash of opposing forces in
the story (man v. man, man v. nature, man v self)

Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct

Creative and neat effort is apparent.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Stop Bullying in Our Hallways!

The sixth grade students of Lakeview Junior High worked together to come up with ways to stop bullying in our school. Each Homebase created different tools to inform children, teachers, and parents about bullies, victims, and bystanders. We hope as a class, the products we created help students empower themselves and develop the leaders we know they can be.

Click on this link to see what we have completed so far:

Monday, April 7, 2008

Field Trip Wednesday!

Just a reminder 6th graders, we have our field trip this Wednesday, 4/9. We will be watching some plays on the short stories we studied in LA and Reading class. Please remember to bring money for lunch. I am really looking forward to this new trip.

Chamber Theater Production, April 9, 2008
Time: We will leave school at 9 am and return before 8th periodWhat to
Bring: Students will need about $5 for lunch. We will be going to various fast food restaurants after the show.


In math class, the sixth graders started learning about Integers. So far we have discussed the differences between positive and negative numbers, compared and ordered the integers, and added two integers. The students have really enjoyed the new material and we are having fun in Math!