Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, 1st trimester is over. The sixth graders did a wonderful job transition to Lakeview. This is a great group to work with and we are all having fun. At the start of 2nd trimester we will be beginning Poetry in Reading, Persuasive writing in LA, and finishing up decimals in Math.

Hope your Thanksgiving is filled with tasty foods, warm memories, and fun family times.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Medieval Times

In an effort to continue the unit on Middle Ages and the field trip to Medieval Times, the 6th grade Language Arts and Reading classes will be working on activities relative to the theme. During LA classes the students will be editing an introduction to Medieval Times. The students will focus on finding mistakes with verb usage, capitalization, and fragments. This will be a review of the first 3 units we have completed in LA. During Reading class, the students will write a extended reading response based on our trip to Medieval Times. Before the trip the classes will review the Knight's Code of Chivalry. After reviewing what the Knight's Code includes, the students will be asked to pay attention to knights that follow or do not follow the code. Thursday in class, the students will write a Reading Extended Response on, “Do you think the knights showed chivalry?”. On Friday we will edit and rate the responses to allow the students to fix or add anything to make each response the best it can be.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Accelerated Reader Tests

The sixth grade students were introduced to the accelerated reader program by Miss Hagensee. Students were asked to independently take a sample test on the novel Taking Sides that we read together. All sixth grade students did very well on the test. After passing at least one accelerated reader test, the students were asked choose any novel with an accelerated read test. After completing the book, each student will independently take the test on their novel. Once the test is completed, it will print. The student will turn the test into their teacher. The test is due on November 20th. We expect that each student should be at least half way through their book. It is encouraged that the students take the test as early as possible to ensure there is enough time to complete the test. We will accept the test before the due date.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The 6th graders are begining the Decimal unit is Math class. Last week we worked on the concept of decimal and place value. The student wrote decimals out in standard form and in works. This week we are returning to the textbook where we will cover, decimal place value, measuring metic lengths, comparing and ordering decimals, rounding decimals, estimating sums and differences using decimals, and finally adding and subtracting using decimals. This will be a short and quick chapter.

If you child is having difficultly with any assignment, encourage him/her to use their notetaking guide, examples from the book, or the tools on line. http://www.classzone.com/ has many resources for your child to help where he/she is having difficulty. Oue textbook code is 2432737-180.