Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Here is a Limerick we wrote today in Mrs. Crews's and Mrs. Mesker's 2nd period Reading class:

Lautner's Life
There once was a bad actor named Taylor
Who had slimy skin like alligators
He was in the movie Twilight
And always stole the limelight
When his career crashes he'll live in a trailer

I guess are students are not big fans of the Twilight series. We all laughed during the creation of this poem. I hope you did too! Can't wait to hear what they come up with on their own.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rebecca Caudill Books!

We introduced a new reading project right before Thanksgiving. The students will be choosing a book to read that is a Rebecca Caudill nominee. There are 20 books on the list. Students are asked to read three books by the end of the unit. The first book is due on December 17th. After completing a book, the students are asked to take and accelerated reader test for a grade in Reading class. Many students are enjoying the books to much they have completed three books already. The more books your child reads, the accelerated reader points he/she can earn. They will also be able to recommend the books to other students.

I have already read Shark Girl, Kimchi and Calamari, Home of the Brave, and A Crooked Kind of Perfect. I truly loved them all but Home of the Brave is my favorite so far! Enjoy the reading!!!

Poetry Unit

During the month of December, we will be focusing on reading and writing different styles of poetry. Everyday your child will be introduced to a different type of poem. We will review the rules and definition of each type together and practice writing them as a class. Independently, your child will write at least one poem for each type we study. Daily, your child will be asked to share his/her poems. Everyone is expected to share at least one poem. At the end of the unit, your child will type out each poem and construct a book of poetry.