Tuesday, February 28, 2012

ISAT are coming

The students in the RtI Math class are getting ready for ISATs by practicing short and extended response questions. We have worked on a number of short response questions using multi-step problem solving methods. We are asking students to remember to show their work and be sre to circle their final answer. Extended response questions can be trickier. The students will need to ask a math questions showing proficent math knowledge, strategic knowledege, and explain what steps they used to solve the problem and why they took the those steps. We askthe students to try and use just words to explain the steps instead to telling the numbers.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Review of Fraction Rules

Adding or Subtracting Fractions
1. Make all whole numbers and mixed numbers fractions.
2. You must have common denominators.
3. Add or subtract the numerators and keep the denominators the same.
4. Simplify your answer.

Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
1. Make all whole numbers and mixed numbers fractions.
2. Turn division in multipication by flipping the second fraction.
3. Cross cancel if possible.
4. Multiply numberators then multiply the denominators.
5. Simplify your answer.

In multi-step problems:
Remember: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

P (paraenthesis)
E (exponents)
M/D (multiply or divide)
A/S (add or subtract)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tier III Math

This week in RtI Math class, the students are working on Decimal Operations. The students started with a review of estimating sums and differences. Estimating means to find an approximate answer or solution. We moved on to adding and subtracting review with whole numbers and decimals. The week with a focus on using decimals to find the product and quotient of an expression. During the week the students will not be using a calculator to solve the expression, but we do allow a multiplication square.