Monday, October 29, 2012

Nouns in LA

Last week and continuing this week, the sixth grade students will be practicing recognizing nouns, forming plural and possessive nouns, and using exact nouns.  Students will be taking notes on the various sections of this Unit in their LA notebooks.  Some notes will be on a handout.  All workbook pages have examples on the top of the page, before the directions, to help remind the students of the activities practiced during class time.

Recognizes Nouns- students will whether a noun names a person, a place, a thing, or an idea.

Common and Proper Nouns- students will identify common and proper nouns and capitalize proper nouns correctly.

Writing with Appositives-  students will expand sentences by adding appositives

Singular and Plural Nouns- students will correctly spell the plural nouns.

Possessive Nouns- students will identify singular and plural possessive nouns and write them correctly.

Plural and Possessive Nouns-  students will identify plural, singular possessive, and plural possessive nouns, and will write them correctly.

Exact Nouns- students will replace nouns with more exact nouns.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Decimals in Math

Chapter 4- Decimal Multiplication and Division

Sixth grade students started Decimal this week.  The chapter began with a review of decimal place value and rounding.  We continued with Multiplying Decimals and Whole Numbers.  Students were introduced to three PROPERTIES for multiplication: COMMUTATIVE, ASSOCIATIVE, and DISTRIBUTIVE.

The chapter continues with Multiplying and Dividing by Powers of Ten.  this lead straight into Changing Metric Units.  Next week we will be working with Division with decimals.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mystery Book Report-Google Drive

The students have an opportunity to complete their Mystery Book Report using their Google Drive account.  Today, Mrs. Crews and I shared this document with the students.  To access the document, each student will need to log onto their Google account using their login and password.  Once on their account, each student just "Make a Copy" of the document and start the project.

1.  Your child logs onto their account using this:  login:, password: computer password twice.

2.  Your child "Makes a Copy" by:  click on File, then Click on "Make a Copy"

After these short steps, your child will be able to work on the project from any computer that has internet access.  Exciting!

Please encourage your child to keep reading their book and work on the project.  
The completed and printed out project along with the Accelerated Reader test is due on November 2nd.

Below is a picture of what your child will be expected to do while and after reading the novel.  

Friday, October 5, 2012

Reading Strategies for Mystery Novel

This week the sixth grade students choose a Mystery novel.  We will present a new project to complete while reading the novel.

The students also reviewed "Reading Strategies" in their Buckle Down workbook.  We practiced eight tips for improving comprehension while reading independently: reviewing the selection to make predictions, remind yourself of what you already know about the topic, keep your mind and pencil active, continue to ask questions and make predictions and connections, check your understanding, notice how the selection is organized, use graphic organizers, and summarize the selection.

Students are encourage to take notes on the novel using the strategies practiced in the Buckle Down workbook.

The project will be shared with the students on Tuesday using their Google Drive accounts.