Thursday, September 6, 2007

Resource Procedures

Grading System:
STUDENTS DO RECEIVE A GRADE FOR RESOURCE! This is based upon the expectations mentioned below:
Missing assignments (5 points per week) – I receive grade reports from your teachers on Tuesday. If you have all of your assignments in for the week you will receive 5 points. If you are missing any, you will be deducted one point per missing assignments for this grade.
Assignment notebook (5 points per week) - I will have random assignment notebook checks weekly. It is your child’s responsibility to have ALL of their assignments in their notebook. If your child has them all recorded he/she will receive 5 points for the week. If they do not, he/she will be deducted one point per missing assignment. If there is an assignment for a class, it MUST be recorded. If the assignment is complete, cross it out. “NONE” is only acceptable if there is not an assignment for that day.
Weekly assignments (10 points per week) – There will be one assignment to be completed each week concentrating on reading comprehension, proofreading, word processing skills, math concepts, and test taking techniques
Assignments completed with a D or F can be corrected. Late assignments will only be accepted one week after they are due. In both cases, the highest grade you can receive can be a C.
The grading scale is as follows:
10 pts = A 7 pts. = C-
9 pts. = A- 6 pts. = D-
8 pts. = B- 5 points and below = F
If you receive study guides, they are due the day after you receive them (at the beginning of class). They MUST be completed on time to be graded. They will NOT be accepted late.
Daily Work (2 pts/day = 10 pts/week) – The reason you are in this class is to complete homework, get help when needed, and prepare for tests and quizzes. Use this class to your advantage!!! Use your time wisely!!! If you do, you will receive 2 points for the day. If not, you will receive 0 points.

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