Friday, October 23, 2009

6th Grade Odes

The sixth grade students will be writing their very own odes this weekend. We are hoping they will be sharing them with us on Monday. Here is an example ode I wrote to get their minds thinking about fun topics.

Ode to Music in My Car
Hearing a song I know,
Makes me smile ear to ear.
I search the radio,
Just to find a song to sing.

Everything is better when,
I can belt out my favorite tune.
I imagine I am Brittany Spears,
Or Kanye West on KISS FM.

Singing in the car makes,
All the bad things go away.
I dance, I cheer, I hit all the high notes,
Every time the dial finds a ditty I recall.

I am the next American Idol,
With the windows up and the radio on high.
Oh songs, oh radio, oh music in my car,
You make me warm and fuzzy inside.

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