Monday, January 25, 2010

Pack the Place Spirit Week
Thursday-Twin Day
Friday-Snuggie/PJ day
Monday-Ugly Shirt Day
Wednesday- Green Day
Thursday-Gold Day

Tickets for “Pie in the Face” will be sold during lunch. They are $1.00. Students can buy as much as they like. All money raised will be donated to the American Red Cross.

Wed Feb 3rd -Girls Game
1. There will be a pre-game show with games and contests.
2. The Pep Band and Choir will preform.
3. Teachers pied in the face
(Myers, Little, Enzbigilils, Payne, Cerney, Coppoletta)

Thur Feb 4th- Boys Game
1. There will be a pre-game show with games and contests.
2. The Pep Band and Choir will preform.
3. Teachers pied in the face
(Mesker, Mixon, Mastny, Safranski, Windsor)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Movie Suggestion

I don't go to the movies often, can't stand waiting through previews and sitting still for a long time. Over break I went to the movies for the first time in years and had the best movie experience in my life.

I want to see Avatar!

My father, brother, and I went to the AMC/Lowes theater on Woodridge to see the movie in 3D. We were completely amazed at the concept, colors, effects, and story line. Avatar has it all! There is a great love story, war scene, internal struggle of self, and a fantasy world like nothing I have ever thought could be created!

I can't wait to see it again and again.!

Monday, January 11, 2010

IOWAs this Week

The sixth graders will be taking the IOWA test of basic skills on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week. The test will be during the morning classes but the schedule will rotate so that the students will miss only one class over the week.

The IOWA tests vocabulary, reading comprehension, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, usage expressions, math concepts, problems, and computation.

It is recommended that students get a restful sleep and eat breakfast so that they are fully ready for the testing.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Multiplying Fractions!

The sixth grade students are multiplying fractions now. We have completed three lesson of Chapter 7: estimating fraction by whole #, multiplying fraction by fraction, and multiplying mixed numbers. There will be quiz over these three areas one Monday. If your child ever needs assistance, Mrs. Snodgrass or myself is available before school or during study hall.