Monday, January 25, 2010

Pack the Place Spirit Week
Thursday-Twin Day
Friday-Snuggie/PJ day
Monday-Ugly Shirt Day
Wednesday- Green Day
Thursday-Gold Day

Tickets for “Pie in the Face” will be sold during lunch. They are $1.00. Students can buy as much as they like. All money raised will be donated to the American Red Cross.

Wed Feb 3rd -Girls Game
1. There will be a pre-game show with games and contests.
2. The Pep Band and Choir will preform.
3. Teachers pied in the face
(Myers, Little, Enzbigilils, Payne, Cerney, Coppoletta)

Thur Feb 4th- Boys Game
1. There will be a pre-game show with games and contests.
2. The Pep Band and Choir will preform.
3. Teachers pied in the face
(Mesker, Mixon, Mastny, Safranski, Windsor)

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