Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Parts of Speech project

During their language arts class, the sixth graders are working on an in class project. The students will be "Taecher for a Day".

Directions: It’s your turn to lead the class! Together with your group, you will create a lesson to present to your peers. The lesson will focus on one of the following parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs. Be creative and have fun!

The presentation will include:
1. Definition of your assigned part of speech
2. Examples of how to correctly use the part of speech
3. Activity for your classmates to complete
Activity Ideas:
*Mad Lib - Create a story for the class and have them fill-in-the-blanks with the part of speech
*Word Scavenger Hunt
*Your own idea?

Work days – Tue, 10/19 & Wed, 10/20
Presentations – Thurs, 10/21

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