Monday, April 18, 2011

Lit Roles in Reading

Your literature role will change for every meeting. There are six roles and you will complete each one only once. The roles will rotate so that each role is only completed once per meeting. The Illustrator and Investigator role will be completed at the same time.

Connector-find connections between the book and you, and between the book and the wider world.

Literary Luminary- locate a few special sections or quotations in the text for your group to talk over.

Summarizer-prepare a brief summary of the assigned readings.

Scene Setter-track where the action takes place during the assigned reading.

Illustrator-draw some kind of picture related to the reading. It can be a sketch, cartoon, diagram, flowchart, or stick-figure scene.

Investigator-dig up some background information on any topic related to your book

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