Tuesday, October 4, 2011

RtI Math

We have been working on solving word problems and will continue throughout the next coming weeks. Here are some strategies from the workbook we are using, "Strategies for Success: Math Problem Solving".

How to solve word problems.
1. Read the problem
Read carefully to be sure you understand the problem and what it is asking. Try to get a picture in your mind of what is going on and what is being asked. Underline the question. Circle the important information.

2. Search for information
Look through all the words and all the numbers to see what information is given. Study any charts, graphs, and pictures. Anything that might help you solve the problem is important.

3. Decide what to do
Think about the problem. If you are not sure how to solve it right away, ask yourself if you have solved a problem like this before. Think about all the problem-solving strategies you know. Choose one that you think will work.

4. Use your ideas
Start to carry out your plan. Try your strategy. Think about what you are doing. Once in a while, ask yourself, "Am I on the right track?" If not, change what you are doing. there is always something else you can try.

5. Review your work
Keep thinking about the problem. Finding an answer does not mean you are done. You need to keep going until you are sure you solved the problem correctly.

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