Today, sixth grade students took a quiz on the first part of the Verbs Unit from the English textbook. This week we will continue with the Verbs Unit and start part II. In the second section of the Verbs unit, the students will eight different sections.
Lesson 6. Simple Verb Tenses- students will identify and use verbs in the present, past and future tenses
Lesson 7. Perfect Tenses- students will identify and use principle parts of verbs and perfect tenses of verbs
Lesson 8: regular and Irregular Verbs- students will identify regular and irregular verbs, and will identify and use principle parts of some irregular verbs.
Lesson 9: Subject-Verb Agreement- will use forms that agree in number with their subjects
Lesson 10: More Subject-Verb Agreement- use verb forms that agree with compound subjects joined by or, either/or, and neither/nor, and use verb forms that agree with the subjects in sentences beginning with here or there
Lesson 11: Contractions- identify contractions in sentences, and identify the words that make up a contraction
Lesson 12 & 13: Confusing Verbs- students will correctly us sit, set; lie, lay; rise, raise; lend, borrow; let, leave; and teach, learn
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