Tuesday, January 29, 2013


The sixth grade students are finished with fractions and have moved on to INTEGERS.

We started with Comparing and Ordering Integers:
1.  Negatives- integers that are less than 0
2.  Positives- integers that are greater than 0

Opposites-  numbers that are the same distance form zero on opposite directions on a number line.  3 and -3 are opposites.

Absolute Value-  is the distance a number is from 0.
1.  the absolute value of 5 is 5
2.  the absolute value of -7 is 7

Absolute values are always positive.

The week the sixth graders will be adding and subtracting integers.

Rules of Addition:
1.  Same Signs-  1.  add  2.  Keep sign
ex.  -4 + -5 = -9    or  5 + 2 = 7

2.  Different Signs-  1.  Subtract numbers  2. keep sign of # with greatest absolute values
ex.  -4 + 7 = 3    or   9 + -4 = 5

Rules for Subtraction:
1.  Turn into additions (subtraction turn to addition and take the opposite of second number)
2.  Follow addition rules.

ex:  4 - 2  is   4 + -2 = 2
ex:  -8 - (-3)  is -8 + 3= -5

There is a great Brain Pop to watch with a quiz for students to practice.  Follow the link below:

Integer Brain Pop (adding and subtracting)

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