Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Poetry Unit

Poetry Unit
February 4th-February 24th
During the month of February, we will be focusing on reading and writing different styles of poetry. Everyday you will be introduced to a different type of poem. We will review the rules and definition of each type together and practice writing them as a class. Independently, you will write at least one poem for each type we study. Daily, students will be asked to share their poems. Every student is expected to share at least one poem. At the end of the unit, you will type out each poem and construct a book of poetry. The guidelines are as follows.

Just a reminder
Remember to proofread you work. Use a parent, sibling, or peer to help make your poems the best that they can be. Make sure your work is your own. Practice reading your poem aloud. Does it make sense? Can you add any adjectives or adverbs to make you poem even better! Take the time to really make the most out of the Poetry Unit!

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