Thursday, October 23, 2008

Character Counts Club Field Trips

The Character Counts Club is planning two field trips for the month of November. We will be traveling to the two schools to promote positive relationships in hopes to diminish bullying.

At Elizabeth Ide we will be facilitating a circle activity. The Club members will start by passing a ball around the circle and asking students to tell their name and one interesting fact about themselves. Next, the students will pass the ball to anyone saying the name of the person they are passing the ball to. Later the students will list different characteristics and anyone who has them will go into the inner circle. The game will reset as each characteristic is announced. Everyone will be in the inner circle a few times. Some discussion questions will follow each activity.

At Prairieview the Club will be starting with the 5th grade class and teaching them about three different types of Bullying: verbal, social, and intimidation. After a quick presentation, the Club members will split each class into six small groups. Each group will be given a scenario to act out in front of the class. After each scene is acted out, the Club members will ask the class as a whole what type of Bullying was shown.

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