Wednesday, October 8, 2008


The sixth graders will be starting the English Unit about Nouns. Since this is a small unit and the students have been studying Nouns for many years, the unit will end quickly. We will be studying recognizing nouns, common and proper nouns, singular and plural nouns, possessive nouns, and plural and possessive nouns. We will continue to practice writing skills by concentrating on using appositives in sentences.

On Wednesday of this week the students were given the opportunity to "test out" of the unit. Every sixth grader was given a pretest of the material taught in the Nouns Unit. If the student received a 90% or higher on the pretest, he/she would "test out" and therefore be excused from the lessons and homework of the unit. Any student that "tested out" would participate in a alternative project using the lessons from the unit. The alternative project is always creative and allows the student some freedom in the finished product.

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